Equiflux Gold Investment

Gold is the most popular precious metal in the world as individuals and governments, over thousands of years, ascribe tremendous value to the metal that reflects light like no other. Gold has a dual role, it has industrial uses as well as financial applications. Gold is often considered a strong asset for diversifying your portfolio, based on its stability and performance compared to other markets. The precious metal's appeal tends to increase when investors face economic uncertainty and recession, as more people become interested in buying gold. But like any investment, you can benefit from gold most when you make a strategic allocation. We realize that Gold investment Gold is a hedge against inflation. As the value of the dollar goes down, value of gold may increase. This is also a smart way to build a diverse portfolio. Rather than having all of your money tied up in one asset class, spreading it around to different types of investments could potentially help you better manage risk and return.

Equiflux Capital Group operates two mines in Nevada, one of the top mining jurisdictions in the world. The Company also has a mine and a development project in Alaska, where it has successfully operated for more than 14 years. Equiflux Capital Group is a leading gold-focused royalty and streaming company with the largest and most diversified portfolio of cash-flow producing assets. Its business model provides investors with gold price and exploration optionality while limiting exposure to cost inflation.
An investment in Equiflux Capital Group shares is expected to provide investors with yield and exposure to commodity price and exploration optionality while limiting exposure to cost inflation and other operating risks. Our aspiration is to make Equiflux Capital the “go to” gold stock for the generalist investor. We believe that our emphasis on minimizing risk, paying dividends and maintaining a strong balance sheet along with high environmental, social and governance standards is attractive to generalist investors.

We avoid having long-term debt, preferring to have capital to invest when others don’t. The commodity downturn of 2014-2016 forced even the largest global mining companies to repair their balance sheets. We invested US$1.8 billion in those years, creating precious metals streams at some of the world’s largest copper mines – Candelaria, Antamina and Antapaccay – and gaining exposure to longer duration assets than can typically be found in the gold industry.
We have not forgotten our roots and continue to invest in smaller development-stage assets which over time have tremendous resource optionality. Our total mining asset count has grown from 190 at IPO to 402 today, including exploration assets on some of the world’s best gold belts. We have invested outside of precious metals when good opportunities have come to market, adding cash flow growth and exposure to the exploration upside on a broad range of world-class resources.

In 2018, we acquired royalties on a suite of large copper development projects by acquiring Lumina Royalty. Following the oil price collapse in 2014, we added to our long held oil and gas royalty interests, investing in the major basins including the Permian, Marcellus, and Haynesville. Most recently, we added royalty exposure to high grade iron ore at Vale’s Northern and Southeastern systems in Brazil. We believe the depth of our portfolio gives us the latitude to patiently search for exposure to good geology. Our desire is to build the most diverse portfolio of royalties and streams exposed to precious metal prices, but also to exploration success across the world’s greatest mineral belts. Our prospects to put more capital to work in the capital intensive and cyclical resource sector have never been better.

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